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Support Neighborhood Sports

Join The Hall of Fame

We currently have over 10,000 participants annually and have grown each year. Our plan is to expand internally at existing locations by adding additionally leagues and growing existing sports. All Donations are appreciated (money, land, and or equipment). Donations from this program will fund two goals: 1. Improve our infrastructure (fund land purchase, make future fields, and bring equipment) and 2. Help those who need help to play in our leagues (money helps fund participants through our Reduced Fee Program which supplements registration fees and helps participants pay for registration).

Your Donations Have a Big Impact:
1. Participants make friends, learn to win and lose, learn life lessons such as teamwork, leadership, and the value of living a healthy life. 
2. Families meet other families, making friends, and developing live long friendships. 
3. We serve families of all nationalities, demographics, religions, and both boys and girls. We serve all people.
4. Land and fields obtained through this program will impact our program drastically. It will give us the ability to control our own destiny.

Two Areas Support is Needed:

Reduced Fee Program: This program services up to 1200 participants yearly. Most of this program is self-funded. Expenses are increasing and money is needed to maintain and improve this program. Our goal is to never say no to a child who wants to play and make youth sports affordable. Raising $150,000 will maintain and improve the program. Together we can double program participants. 

Facility shortage: Field and Facility usage increases as more leagues and children come into the area. Neighborhood Sports is self-supported by participant fees and donations. We are not subsidized nor given money from State, City, or County. Our goal is to get you and local business to team up to raise 5 million dollars for Neighborhood Sports to purchase Land and build recreational fields and facilities for our kids. Available facilities and field usage has become more limited and it is imperative that Neighborhood Sports steps up to the plate to purchase land and facilities to keep up with the demand that our present and future kids require. Neighborhood Sports building a place for kids to play and their parents to watch them have fun. Fields to lay the ground work for our kids, grandkids, great grandkids… to have a place to play recreational sports.

Join the Hall of Fame 
We need Land, Money, and or Time
Call 512-228-1701 to Donate

Donation Suggestions:
3-4 acres and your legacy may last forever
End of Season Tournament Donor 
Season Donor 
Team Donor 


Please Note: The following information is required by the IRS for any donation in excess of $250.00 to be used as a tax deduction. Neighborhood Sports is a non-profit organization and is entitled to exemption from federal income tax under the provisions of Section 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, which corresponds to Section 501 C (3) of the 1986 Code.  All donations received will be utilized in activities that are tax exempt.

Neighborhood Sports

1901 Long Prairie Road, Suite 200-145
Flower Mound, Texas 75022